Saturday, December 26, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

The Genomic investigate is a low outlay high signaling technology. The approach in the genomic info is a holistic digit and not a reductionist one,which limits the scope of factor effects on another natural environment.

What is it Reproductive processes
Ovarian oogenesis and folliculogenesis participate complex physical and morphological changes within the follicle, directive to radiophone differentiation and oocyte development.

The factor expression and its interactions during oogenesis and folliculagenesis is difficult to be apprehended and explained without think of the full process.

The high-throughput arrays have embellish a coercive agency with which to think the full population of transcripts in a single experiment. This is where the genomics comes to play a persona in the reproductive research.

Oocyte genomics
The think of the genomics of oocyte, granulose cells and cover cells needs the modern technologies for sequencing and comment of genes involved.

Many unknown ordering tags are involved. The warning of the genomics in reproduction is the sheep models ofttimes called as natural organism ewe models described. [Bonnet et al 2008]

Oocyte Genome and Ovulation
Mammalian ovaries have millions of oocytes .These oocytes are encased in primordial follicles, a flat granulose radiophone covering. Oestrus or cyclic activity initiates ontogeny in these follicles, so that both the oocyte and the concealment granulosa cells grow and advise towards a possible ovulation.

However, most of these follicles dissolute finished Artesia. In growing follicles, exclusive a whatever oocytes are capable to go finished meiosis, fertilization and primeval embryo utilization to the blastocyst.

These effective oocytes increase along with follicular cells. This pre –ovulatory -oocyte ability antiquity is due to the hardware of factor products (messenger polymer or protein) that hold primeval stages of embryo development, before full activation of embryonic genome.

OOCYTE GENOM ACTIVATION TIME The question ofttimes asked is when are these factor products stored in oocytes during primeval or late folliculogenesis . The empiric evidences hold the analyse that they are stored as transcripts during primeval folliculogenesis, thusly gift a wish to search much earlier the potential ovulating follicles on the foundation of factor contents.

COMPETENT OOCYTE POOL Once it is perfectly verified and techniques famous to detect them a large pool of slaughter concern oocyte may be screened to boost reproductive processes in animals and the assisted reproduction in women may be designed on new and more accurate success rates than those achieved at present.

This ability is developed or is within oocyte during primeval folliculogenesis is famous by the facts that antral follicles in vitro have not better or increased ability to ovulate.

It is boost famous that oocytes exudate many factors which co-ordinate and regulate ovulation and even the close cells . attain them having this ability within and acquired at later stage of the folliculogenesis.

It might be a central persona for the oocyte to impact the ontogeny of itself and the close cells erst whatever initiation wake it up from the dormancy.

Once evidenced this fact shall explain the act of parthenogenesis. Finally, in constituent to their persona in interfollicular conception of ovulation rate, late folliculogenesis conception and Artesia could also be seen as a selective impact aimed at the elimination finished follicular Artesia of oocytes that did not succeed to accumulation comely factor products set during their growth.